Connecting you to Black history, then & now

Collage of book covers

Your public library is here with books, resources, and experiences that can help us connect and celebrate Black history and culture. Browse titles we suggest More to explore View exhibits Art Exhibit: Stories My Camera Tells by Howard SimmonsThrough February 22, Main Library Gallery Still photography tells its stories through captured moments in time. Stories told with … Read more

Oak Park celebrates Kwanzaa with ‘the spirit of community and cultural richness’

Delighted faces among audience members in the Main Library Veterans Room

Oak Park’s Kwanzaa celebration drew almost 200 people to the Main Library on Monday, December 30, and was a resounding success. With music, dance, crafts, artwork, food, and ceremony, the Black American harvest celebration “truly captured the spirit of community and cultural richness that Kwanzaa represents,” said Manager of Community Engagement Chibuike Enyia. Seven principles … Read more

Holidays Around the World

A lantern with a glowing candle inside sitting in the snow under a tree

From Diwali, Christmas, and Hanukkah celebrations to the observance of the winter solstice, Oak Park library staff love sharing their own winter holiday traditions with you in our annual Holidays Around the World! In addition to stories, videos, and photos, you’ll find related music, games, stories, and recipes for families to explore. Click the play … Read more

Hispanic Heritage books, events, videos & more

Collage of book covers

Your public library is here to connect you with books, events, learning experiences, and online resources that celebrate Hispanic heritage and culture this month and all year long. On this page, you can: This commemorative month (held September 15-October 15) was officially designated as Hispanic Heritage Month by the U.S. Congress in 1968. Learn more at … Read more

Preserving culture in the Creative Studio

Person holds a VHS tape at a computer station with the words "Creative Studio" on the wall

Nothing lasts forever, and that includes your old VHS tapes. Even if you still have a VCR to play them, the tape quality can degrade as the years go by. The solution? Digitize those tapes. And you can do it for free in the Main Library Creative Studio! That’s why library patron Alex Yu has … Read more

Improving our service to Spanish-speaking patrons

Group of library staff pose together against an artwork backdrop

To meet our community’s growing needs, we partnered with Triton College this spring to offer an eight-week conversational Spanish course for 12 library staff members at the Main Library. The course was designed to help staff provide more responsive customer service and build relationships with Spanish-speaking community members who frequent the library. Rashmi Swain, Adult … Read more

Celebrating Jewish American heritage

Book cover collage of Jewish American History Month titles

Your public library is here to connect you with books, online resources, and learning experiences that celebrate Jewish American history and culture this month and all year long. On this page, you can: The month of May is recognized as Jewish American Heritage Month by the White House. Title suggestions for all ages Celebration event … Read more

Honoring Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander heritage

Collage of books

Your public library is here to connect you with books, online resources, and learning experiences that honor Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander history and culture all year long. On this page, you can: The month of May is officially proclaimed by the White House as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month but … Read more

Celebrating Arab American heritage

Arab American Heritage Month display in the Main Lobby

Your public library is here to connect you with books, online resources, and learning experiences that celebrate Arab American history and culture this month and all year long. On this page, you can: The month of April is recognized as Arab American Heritage Month in Illinois and the U.S. Title suggestions for all ages Celebration … Read more

Celebrate Día de Muertos at library & in community

Front row, left to right: Jessy Martinez, Latine Language & Culture Librarian Nora Sanchez, Alma Martinez, Laura Pulido, and Maya Puentes. Back row: Omeyocan Dance Company

Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) is typically celebrated on November 1 and 2. The celebration, which originated in Mexico, is rooted in indigenous practices that existed long before Spanish settlers arrived.  Together with community members, our Latine Language & Culture Librarian Nora Sanchez has been working to bring the celebration to the library … Read more

Meet your T-shirt design winners!

Six finalists designs

Oak Park Public Library is thrilled to be one of more than 30 organizations around the country partnering for Collections of Culture: 50 Years of Hip Hop Inside Libraries, Museums, and Archives. And as part of our Oak Park celebration, we hosted a T-shirt design contest. With six finalists (pictured above) to choose from, we received … Read more