So long, ‘Sunday Scaries’!

By Collection Management Librarian Kathy

You may know it by another name—”Sunday blues,” “Monday dread,” just good ol’ general anxiety—but apparently, there are a whole lot of us who suffer from some form of stress caused by the start of a new work or school week. Here are some books to help you stave off the “Sunday Scaries.”

Titles to ease anxiety & stress

Inner Workout: Strengthening Self-Care Practices for Healing Body, Soul & Mind by Taylor Elyse Morrison

Why you should try it: There is not one self-care method that fits all, and Morrison acknowledges this as she helps you create a routine that works for YOU.

Description: Through practices aimed at strengthening key dimensions of well-being, from feeling at home in your body to tapping into the wisdom that already lives within you, Taylor Elyse Morrison guides you to discover what "self-care" truly means and helps you cultivate a dynamic relationship with your whole being.

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How Am I Doing? 40 Conversations to Have With Yourself by Corey Yeager

Why you should try it: Feelings of anxiety are often part of the Sunday Scaries. Cultivating more awareness about your needs and motivations can help you battle through these feelings.

Description: Life is hard. But it gets a whole lot easier when you start to talk it out. Discover your purpose, honor your story, and explore who you want to be. Dr. Corey Yeager offers you 40 questions to help you develop positive mental health strategies for anxious moments while increasing your confidence.

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Rest Rituals: Meditations & Practices for Restorative Sleep by Valerie Oula

Why you should try it: If you're stressed, sleep can be elusive, and bad sleep feeds the cycle. Let this book help you wind down and improve your sleep quality.

Description: Vibrational energy healer and meditation instructor Valerie Oula has put together over 50 rituals for winding down, drifting off, and improving the quality of your rest. Her practice includes guided meditations and visualizations to help you center yourself; breathwork for calming an anxious mind; tapping, or working with meridians, to cleanse your energy centers; mantras and intention-setting practices for clear focus and an easier wake-up routine.

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The No-Nonsense Meditation Book: A Scientist's Guide to the Power of Meditation by Steven Laureys

Why you should try it: Meditation has continually proven to help your mental and physical health. But some may still doubt its actual effects on the brain—this one's for you.

Description: Steven explores the effect of meditation on the brain, using hard science to explain the benefits of a practice that was once thought of as purely spiritual. The result is a highly accessible, scientifically questioning guide to meditation, designed to open the practice to a broader audience.

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Beautifully Organized At Work: Bring Order & Joy to Your Work Life So You Can Stay Calm, Relieve Stress & Get More Done Each Day by Nikki Boyd

Why you should try it: Having a lovely and functional workspace can help relieve the dread of returning to it.

Description: Clutter and mess can distract you, stress you out, and get in the way of efficiently getting work done. Beautifully Organized at Work gives you practical tips and tools for how to mindfully transform your workspace and get organized so you can feel better about your work and be better set up for success.

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Nature in Chicagoland: More Than 120 Fantastic Nature Destinations That You Must Visit by Andrew Morkes

Why you should try it: Maybe your Sunday Scaries come from not feeling like you used your weekend to the fullest. Find weekend adventures to recharge with the added bonus of disconnecting from your tech and reconnecting with nature.

Description: Destinations include forest preserves; nature centers; city, state, and national parks; beaches; tallgrass prairies; wetlands; scenic rivers; and much more in Chicagoland and the nearby states of Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

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Librarian Kathy

About Kathy

Kathy is a Collection Management Librarian who loves reading, sharing, and talking about books. Her missions in life are to: create communities of readers, convince folks that her official title should be "Book Pusher," and refute that "disco" is a dirty word.