Visit a Chicago-area museum
The Museum Adventure Pass program provides special offers and discounts to library cardholders at unique cultural destinations throughout the Chicago area.
Participating destinations include beautiful outdoor spaces such as Brookfield Zoo, Cantigny Park, and Chicago Botanic Garden, historical facilities such as Oak Park’s Pleasant Home Foundation and Naper Settlement, and kid-centric museums such as Bronzeville Children’s Museum and The Children’s Museum in Oak Lawn. More »
Do your vacation research
Decide what to see and do, and how to get there with help from print travel resources, as well as online resources like AtoZ World Culture (covering amusement parks, landmarks, and museums) and Gale Virtual Reference Library (offering details about popular travel spots in both the U.S. and abroad). Get started now »
Download to read, watch, and listen from anywhere
Before you go, download movies, audiobooks, magazines, and music to load up your devices and enjoy from wherever you are. Get started now »
Take WiFi with you
Library hotspots are available for Oak Park cardholders for one week, with up to five renewals (if no one is waiting). More about hotspots »
Log in to kid-friendly streaming
When there’s no TV or cable, try Kanopy Kids and Hoopla Kids. Learn more and get started »