Research & Learn: P

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Grandparent and child looking at tablet

Need to search multiple resources at once? Use the catalog's Article Search to find full-text results. Let's get started »




Le Parisien [France]

Search (full-text articles): historical (2001-2020)

Little Pim

Language learning program designed to teach kids 0-6 a new language through videos, games, and songs. Choose from 12 languages—Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Little Pim is accessible through Mango Languages, either on the website or app.

To access Little Pim on the Mango website, find Little Pim under the Explore tab of each available language. On the Mango app, Little Pim is located in each available language at the bottom of the screen (scroll to the right in the bottom menu bar, if needed). Get step-by-step instructions on how to access »

PBS Newshour

Search (full-text articles): current (2016-present)

PebbleGo & PebbleGo Next

Content hub packed with informational articles featuring engaging multimedia, interactive lessons and games, and literacy supports for grades preK-5.

  • For preK-grade 3: PebbleGo subjects include animals, biographies, health, science, and social studies.
  • For grades 3-5: PebbleGo Next subjects include American Indian history, biographies, health, science, social studies, and states.

Philadelphia Daily News

Browse (digital scan of print issue): current (November 2010-present)
Search (full-text articles): current (1983-present)

Philadelphia Inquirer

Browse (digital scan of print issue): current (October 2003-present)
Search (full-text articles): current (1983-present)

Points of View Reference Source

Full-text database that presents multiple sides of an issue. Hundreds of topics are covered—each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument), and counterpoint (opposing argument). Each topic also features a guide to help students evaluate the controversy and enhance their ability to read critically, develop their own perspective on the issues, and write or debate an effective argument on the topic.

Politico [U.S.]

Search (full-text articles): current (2007-present)

Pressbooks (from

Easy-to-use book writing software that creates a book in all the formats needed to publish, in print and digitally, through Delivers print-ready files for CreateSpace, IngramSpark and Lightning Source, as well as ebook files optimized for Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Google Play, and more.

How to access

  1. First-time users must create an account through the Pressbooks page »
  2. Choose to connect via your local library and then create a new profile.
  3. You will be asked to fill in your email address (optional) and create a username and password.
  4. You will need to select or search for the Oak Park Public Library.
  5. Enter your Oak Park Public Library card number when prompted.
  6. After you have created an account, you can log in with your username and password.
  7. Questions? Email »

PressReader logo


Access more than 7,000 publications from around the world, in their original language and format. Available on iOSAndroid, and Kindle HD/HDX, and in browser on laptop/desktop. Need help? View the Quick Start Guide and explore the help center.

Checkout periods & lending limits

  • Unlimited checkouts—simultaneous access, no waiting!
  • Lending period: None. Keep titles for as long as you choose!

Special features

  • Save stories to read and share later
  • New issues of the titles you choose automatically delivered to your device
  • Original page and mobile-optimized text views available
  • Listening mode
  • One-touch translation

How to access

  1. From or the PressReader app, select Sign in.
  2. Choose Library or Group.
  3. Search for and select Oak Park Public Library from the dropdown menu (use the search bar provided to type in Oak Park Public Library).
  4. Select the option to sign in using OpenAthens.
  5. Enter your Oak Park library card number and PIN and press Sign in.

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