By Collection Management Librarian Kathy
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, and to celebrate we are featuring some fun facts you might not know. (Don’t have your Oak Park card yet? Let’s get started »)
With your Oak Park library card, you can…

Get creative
Did you know? You have access to a poster printer, a laser cutter, a thermal laminator, and a 3D printer with your library card.
Learn more: These are not the only things you can find in the Creative Studio.

Get down to business
Did you know? Oak Park business owners, nonprofits, and employees can get a library card and gain full access to all the services and resources the public library offers, including access to business-specific resources.
Learn more: See what else your business can do with a library card.

Find inspiration to educate
Did you know? It’s not just Oak Park business folks who can get library cards but also every teacher, teaching assistant, daycare provider, and school staff member working in Oak Park can get an educator card.
Learn more: There’s a whole lot of resources for educators and caregivers.

Blaze a new path
Did you know? If you are looking for a job or making a career change or thinking about going back to school, your library card gains you access to a wealth of materials and services.
Learn more: Find more about our Career Services.

Test out equipment for new hobbies
Did you know? Not only can you find books, movies, and magazines at the library but you can also find a telescope, a bubble machine, a label maker, and a hot glue gun.
Learn more: Discover all the items you can check out with your Oak Park library card in our Library of Things.

Brighten your day with art
Did you know? The library has an extensive art collection and a gallery featuring exhibits by local artists. Okay, you don’t actually need a library card to come see all the amazing art but if you’re here, you might as well get a card!
Learn more: Find out how Oak Park residents can get a library card.

About Kathy
Kathy is a Collection Management Librarian who loves reading, sharing, and talking about books. Her missions in life are to: create communities of readers, convince folks that her official title should be “Book Pusher,” and refute that “disco” is a dirty word.