Library Board approved April 15, 2009. Board revised February 18, 2014.
The Library assumes that each employee strives to perform their job responsibilities to the best of their ability and comports themselves in the best interests of the Library. The Corrective Action Policy is in place to protect the interests of the library and to encourage employees to meet performance standards and take responsibility for correcting identified performance and conduct-related problems
The Performance Evaluation System currently in place encourages ongoing coaching and feedback to ensure each employee is aware of areas that require improvement. Specifically, the employee is clearly told which behavior requires attention and how to correct it. If these verbal discussions are not successful, the progressive correction action process should be initiated.
1. First Written Warning (documented, approved by all signatures required on the form, and placed in the employee’s personnel file)
2. Second Written Warning (documented, approved by all signatures required on the form, and placed in the employee’s personnel file)
3. Suspension without pay/Termination (may also be used as Final Notice in lieu of termination to skip steps 1 and 2)
If further investigation is required or if it is preferable to remove the employee from the workplace, suspension may occur but is not required. A Final Notice in lieu of termination may be used in exceptional circumstances, based on a review of the facts. If a similar or other violation occurs, immediate termination may result. When an employee is terminated, ID card, keys, and all other library property are collected and computer and telephone access are terminated.
Where appropriate, a specific time period may be included in each corrective action step, during which time the documented performance or behavior must be corrected and satisfactory performance must be sustained. This time period will typically be 6 months but may vary. The corrective action process may be advanced at any time during this period.
The Library is not required to go through each of the steps listed above. If, in the judgment of the Executive Director, a serious violation has occurred, employment may be terminated immediately. Some examples (but not an exhaustive list) of policy violations which may result in immediate termination of employment:
Falsification of library records
Willful refusal to comply with any lawful directions of an individual identified as being in a position of authority
Performing job assignments in a grossly negligent manner
Committing or threatening an act of violence
Possessing, carrying or using a weapon
Discriminating against or otherwise harassing any employee
Engaging in indecent or illegal conduct
The Executive Director may designate the Assistant Director for Administration Services or the Assistant Director for Public Services to act on behalf of the Director in employee disciplinary matters.
The Corrective Action Policy does not apply during the Introductory Period. The Introductory Period Policy states “During this period, the Corrective Action Policy does not apply. An employee that decides to resign need not give two weeks’ notice; nor does a manager need to document performance deficiencies through the progressive disciplinary process.”