Homework Help for Kids

Access kid-focused subscription-based online resources, digital newspapers—including local, regional, and international publications—and more with an Oak Park library card! All resources are designed to help make digital learning more interactive, more visual, and more fun.

Adult helping child with homework

Online resources

African-American History

A fresh way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture, covering five centuries.

American Indian History

Fast access to more than 15,000 years of culture and history, covering more than 600 Native American groups.

AtoZ Maps Online

Comprehensive collection of royalty-free downloadable maps.

AtoZ World Culture

Information about world history, cultures, languages, foods, religions, and more.

Brainfuse HelpNow

On-demand, anytime, anywhere learning resources for all ages, including:

  • Live online help from tutors (available daily from 2 to 11 pm)
  • Practice tests for college entrance exams, live assistance filling out FAFSA applications (select Live Tutoring and then choose FAFSA assistance from the Select Grade dropdown)
  • Expert writing assistance
  • A test center with customized study plans
  • A flashcard creator
  • A private virtual study room to share

Free app for iOS and Android available. Need help getting started with the app? Watch a video tutorial »


Cultural information on the countries of the world, includes a States Edition with U.S. state facts.

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos (access from inside any Oak Park library building or anywhere outside the library)

Herramienta de referencia en español para niños. Contiene miles de artículos fáciles de leer y repletos de ilustraciones, videos, mapas interactivos y una amplia variedad de juegos y actividades, diseñado para desarrollar las habilidades claves del lenguaje y de investigación.

World Book Encyclopedia for Spanish speakers—with thousands of easy-to-read articles packed with illustrations, videos, interactive maps, and a wide variety of games and activities—designed to develop key language and research skills.

Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia

Images, maps, and full-text articles on a wide variety of subject areas.

Gale In Context: Biography

Authoritative biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study.

National Geographic Kids logo

National Geographic Kids

Go on amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. NatGeo Kids offers a complete run of the magazine from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos, and images. High-quality informational texts are available for primary, upper elementary, and middle school students.

Available in browser on laptop/desktop.

Checkout periods & lending limits

  • No holds, no waiting, no limits
  • Borrow as many titles as you want

Special features

  • Point-and-click access to pictures, books, and magazines
  • Easy access to subject indexing and related terms
  • Authoritative nonfiction digital content in support of Common Core State Standards