We build capacity for literacy and education, preparing kids and families for continuously changing technology.
Ebooks, movies, audiobooks, music & movies
Your Oak Park library card gives you anytime access to a growing digital collection of kids ebooks, audiobooks, family-friendly movies, TV shows, music, magazines, newspapers, and online resources for homework help and at-home learning.
- Don’t have a library card? Sign up now »
- Forget your PIN? Go to the catalog login page to reset it.
- Need help getting started with online resources? Watch the How to Library video series.
- Have a question? Ask us anything »
Videos for early learners featuring Oak Park librarians
- For early learners: Sing, dance, learn, and play with videos recorded by storytime librarians (plus, videos designed especially to support caregivers)
Let’s Make Reading Fun!
You know it’s important to read to your kids, but sometimes it can feel like a chore. Here are some top tips to make it more fun for kids and adults!
At-home activities, curated by Oak Park librarians
- For early learners: Books, videos, and resources to help children on the path to reading
- For grade schoolers: At-home activities, by interest and topic
Homework help
- Kids of all ages: Live, online help from tutors, create virtual flashcards, and more
- Grade schoolers: Digital tools for research and learning
- Early learners: Get kindergarten-ready
- Educators and caregivers: Teaching or caring for kids in Oak Park? Get support »
Popular library apps & websites
- Hoopla Kids Mode: A kid-friendly setting for finding video, music, and books.
- Media on Demand/Libby kids collection: The library’s biggest selection of digital content just for kids.
- Kanopy Kids: A curated collection of films and TV series for children—with a focus on ages 2-8 and unlimited viewing.
- More to explore: National Geographic Kids and TumbleBookLibrary
Devices to use anywhere
- For cardholders (18+) or the parent/guardian of a cardholder under 18: Borrow mobile hotspots, laptops, Chromebooks, iPad mini 2 devices, and more