Reforma [Mexico City]
Reforma [Mexico City] Search (full-text articles): current (1995-present)
Reforma [Mexico City] Search (full-text articles): current (1995-present)
La Raza [Chicago] Browse (digital scan of print issue): current (January 2008-present)Search (full-text articles): current (2007-present)
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection Hundreds of full-text journals—offering particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and various areas of counseling.
Religion & Philosophy Collection Coverage of key theological and philosophical resources spanning over 100 years.
Read It! Research tool for English language learners—middle and high school students and adults—with nonfiction articles and reference texts about a variety of topics, vocabulary practice, reading comprehension quizzes, research guides, articles read aloud, and more.
Regional Business News Incorporates 50 business journals, newspapers, and newswires, covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Reference Solutions Search millions of businesses by name, location, industry, and size, and search consumers by location, estimated income, interests, and shopping habits (formerly ReferenceUSA).
Record Information Services Provides data on new homeowners, new businesses, foreclosures, and bankruptcy for market research purposes.