
Read your favorite daily newspaper online. Access thousands of digital newspapers for your research. Your public library is committed to connecting you to timely, credible news sources from around the globe.

Also, on the Main Library’s third floor you can read physical versions of the daily Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times as well as the Sunday edition of The New York Times.

Browse individual digital newspapers

Your Oak Park library card and PIN give you access to your library’s credible collection of more than 7,000 news publications. Looking for a specific digital title?

Most popular | Local | Regional & U.S. | International/World | Business & investment

Search digital news databases

  • Global Newsstream: The most recent global news content, as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s, featuring content from newspapers, newswires, and news sites—including Barron’s, Chicago Tribune, Crain’s Chicago Business, Daily Herald, Financial Times, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and more—in active full-text format.
  • Historical US Major Dailies: Historical newspaper collection (covering 1849-2020)—including the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post—with easily searchable, first-hand accounts and coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time.
  • NewsBank Chicago: Search multiple Chicagoland newspapers at the same time, including the Chicago Sun-Times, Oak Leaves, and Wednesday Journal.
  • NewspaperARCHIVE: Access to historical issues of hundreds of Illinois newspapers, including Oak Leaves (1902-1977), with searchable articles, advertisements, editorials, classified ads, and obituaries.
  • Newspaper Source Plus: Full-text collection of major news content, including newspapers, magazines, newswires, and news transcripts of television and radio.
  • PressReader: Access more than 7,000 publications from around the world, in their original language and format.