By Eileen Saam, Children’s Services Library Assistant
Nearly everyone appreciates music, whether it is listening to a favorite playlist, singing a song in the bathtub, tapping to the beat of the music playing on the car radio, or playing an instrument. It would be difficult to find someone who does not enjoy music!
And kids and music go hand-in-hand! When we teach children the basics of music we are setting the stage for a lifetime of enjoying and making music.
Check out this tutorial
In the music tutorial on this page (just press the play button to get started!), kids can learn the basics of music such as beat, rhythm, note values, and tempo. Kids can have fun with music while building their musical competence—clapping their hands and tapping their toes to the beat and dancing in time with the rhythm.
They can even learn how to make their own musical instruments at home. Because, of course, one of the best ways to experience music is to make it yourself!
If you can walk you can dance. If you can talk you can sing.
Zimbabwean Proverb
Learn more about the benefits of music
People have been making music since the beginning of time. Not only does music bring us joy, but it enriches our lives in countless ways. Music helps to:
- Build connections between the brain and the mind, body, and emotions.
- Promote and enhance language and listening skills.
- Enhance cognitive abilities and emotional, social, and physical responses.
- Build confidence and inspire creativity.
- Teach patience and discipline.
- Provide a great form of expression.
- And the list goes on and on!

About Eileen
Eileen Saam is a children’s library assistant who loves discovering new things, learning from others, and sharing with children the delight and wonder of books. One of her favorite things to do at the library is storytime—with lots of playing, singing, and making music with little ones and their caregivers!