Library Board Member Goal Sheet

Library Board approved November 16, 2004.

Please review these goals throughout your time on the Oak Park Public Library (OPPL) Board.

  1. I am familiar with the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan of the OPPL.
  1. I am familiar with the law as it applies to the Oak Park Public Library.
  1. I am familiar with the Library’s policies.
  1. I attend Board and committee meetings regularly.
  1. I attend staff sponsored activities as appropriate.
  1. I come to meetings well prepared.
  1. I understand the Board’s decision-making process.
  1. I willingly abide by majority Board decisions and support them publicly.
  1. I treat other Board and community members with respect and listen openly to their opinions.
  1. I understand and respect the different roles and duties of the Library Director and Trustee Board.
  1. I route my requests of staff through the Library Director or their designee.
  1. I encourage and support the Library Director in achieving our goals.
  1. I visit the Main Library and the two Branches frequently enough to be thoroughly familiar with services and to see potential need.
  1. I support Friends of the OPPL activities and fund raisers.
  1. I am a library advocate to individuals, civic groups, community organizations, and public officials.
  1. I keep abreast of legislation and the impacts it has on the Library community.
  1. I have established a relationship with my local and state representatives and discuss library issues with them advocating for their support.
  1. I read the materials from state and national library organizations.
  1. I attend at least one program at each OPPL branch during the year.
  1. I attend two system sponsored, state and/or national library events each year.

Strengths:  List your most important contributions to the Board in both action and discussion.






Improvements:  What do you think you need to do better or differently?






Accomplishments:  Why are you on the Board?






Opportunities:  List areas where you need more information, knowledge, or skill in order to meet your own performance expectations.






I will ask the Director about…






I will also ask seasoned trustees about…






I will review this goal sheet on a monthly basis and assess my progress.

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